UVIGO Working Group of CEEIBIS (State Council of Biomedical Engineering and Health Engineering Students) organised an interactive talk on Advanced and Smart Biomaterials. The event, which took place at Cintecx, brought together Biomedical Engineering students to explore the latest advances in the field of biotechnology.

During the talk, participants had the opportunity to explore the world of biomaterials, from those in current clinical use to the latest innovations in tissue engineering. With a focus on practical application and impact on healthcare, concrete examples of biomaterials and biomedical devices were discussed, highlighting both existing developments and research carried out by UVIGO’s “Novos Materiais” group.

Using our materials display, we explored a wide range of materials and devices, illustrating the diversity and potential of biomedical engineering today and giving participants the opportunity to visualise and understand first-hand how science and technology are transforming the field of healthcare.

We are delighted to have participated in this science outreach activity. It is essential to encourage student interest and participation in this constantly evolving field.

Events like this are an excellent way to inspire the next generation of biomedical engineers.