Searching for the North: Explore the World of Science

Searching for the North: Explore the World of Science

One more year, the interdisciplinary project “Descubrindo o Norte 2023-24” brings students closer to the University of Vigo. Focused on orienteering sport as the backbone, the main objective of this project is to promote healthy lifestyle habits through...
3D Bioprinting Course

3D Bioprinting Course

From 18 to 21 June in Santiago de Compostela we will be able to attend a course specialised in 3D Bioprinting organised by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and the University Carlos III of Madrid. This event is part of the European project IBEROS+, which...
Good news!

Good news!

We have just learned that Pedra de Ançã, an emblematic Portuguese limestone, has been officially classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This important recognition was recently announced in an old quarry in Cantanhede, Portugal, where the stone originated. This...
Two new final degree projects

Two new final degree projects

This week, Iago Lisardo Fernández Aguiar and Aarón Davila Camiña have successfully defended their final degree projects. Both have developed LabVIEW programs that will be very useful in our 193nm laser processing clean room. Congratulations and we wish you all the...